Check out Wy-Knot

You can’t get a more dog-friendly restaurant than a place named after a dog.

Wy-Knot  Cafe got its name from Sir Wyatt, a dapper English Spring Spaniel, who lives with Jackie Percival, owner of the central Phoenix restaurant and community spot.

The Wy-Knot is just the kind of local breakfast/lunch place that’s great to support. It’s got great food, with a lot of vegetarian options. And the servings are hearty. It has a  casual vibe, with local artists’ works on the walls.  And its dog-friendly credentials are solid: patio in the front; dog treats and water bowl by the door and pictures of Wyatt all around.

Percival got into the restaurant business through  her dog. She gave up the corporate life; decided to bake dog treats and that led her back to owning a restaurant, which she had done previously in Pennsylvania.

As an added bonus to the Wy-Knot’s wonderfulness: Happy Dog Phoenix will be there on Mother’s Day for breakfast, signing books and oogling the stuffed French toast.  See you there!

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