Smart Dog?

corgi with glasses So it is supposed to be in the 110s next week in Phoenix. Wow –that’s hot.

Why not stay indoors and figure out how smart your dog is? You know that you have always wanted to know. It’s free and it doesn’t involve going outside. Give it a try.

One of the best tests are those developed by Stanley Coren,  well-known dog behaviorist. Here’s some oldies but goodies to figure out your dog’s intelligence. Interestingly enough, the test has some grammatical errors – perhaps it functions as a human intelligence test as well.

Knowing the test results could come in handy this time of year. I don’t know about you but I just sent a lot of cash to recent grads, some were kids I hadn’t seen since they were trying to master the intracicies of potty training – hope they have figured that out. Anyway, as the parents of these recent grads are bragging about how smart their kids have turned out, you can just look them straight in the eye and say “You know, my dog knows the difference between her name and the word “refrigerator’’.’’

Just look them straight in the eye when you say that.  Straight in the eye.

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